Welcome to Severn Valley Indoor Bowls Club

Severn Valley Indoor Bowling Club was formed in 1993 and is based at ‘The Flash’ Leisure in Welshpool. It is part of the Leisure Centre complex run by Freedom Leisure. The bowls hall is a four-rink hall with a recently laid blue carpet. Severn Valley IBC operates as a ‘non-profit’ organisation and membership is open to anyone in the surrounding district.


WELL DONE Carl in WIB Open Singles Competition 👏👏 - next round quarter final.

All the Very Best from us all at Severn Valley I.B.C.



An excellent day was had at Ffrith Indoor Bowls Centre when 3 rinks from S.V.I.B.C. were part of the Welsh President's Team.

All three rinks won their matches and pictured above is the top rink of the day.  


Following on from the donation to Dementia Matters, I have now presented a cheque for £250 ( £210 from the event and £40 as my donation, worth £300 with gift aid) to the Cardiac Assesment unit in Newtown. They were so grateful as it will allow them to purcahse equipment that they would normally not be able to afford. When they have purchased the item we will have a more formal presentation in Newtown. Mike Beloe (President)

Following the Memorial Charity Match held recently we are very pleased to be able to present £200 to Dementia Matters in Powys.  £200 will be divided between each of the Newtown and Welshpool groups.  We shall be making this presentation at the Cowshacc in Welshpool tomorrow, Wednesday the 27th November.  We shall be meeting at 2.20p.m.

We are also able to present £200 to The Cardiac Assessment Unit at Newtown Hospital.  Date of presentation to be announced.

May I say a huge thank you to all who came and made this possible.



SVIBC are pleased to be represented this year’s WIB competitions by:

Open Singles: Carl Pryce

Open Pairs: Craig Williams and Carl Pryce

Open Triple: Mark Jones, Ben Jones, and Mark Weaver 


Good luck to all and thank you for representing SVIBC   


                                              🗜      🗜    🗜    🗜    🗜     🗜

The new RPL teams for season 2024/2025 are now on this web site. Please check to ensure that I have not missed anyone from the team sheet. The revised schedule of games has also been completed and this time we are having 2 practice sessions as there are so many players involved this season. Lyn Fitzgerald will be running Monday, I will be running the Tuesday session and Haydn Jones has kindly agreed to run the Thursday session assisted by Pam Brewer.

Contact me immediately if we have missed you off the team sheet 







Male and female bowlers will continue to have separate tournaments, singles, pairs, triples and fours which will only be open for entry to their designated gender groups.

See competition information below: -


Bowls will only require a date stamp that is legible for all WIB sanctioned events up to and including the National Finals.  Players qualifying for BIIBC Events and Internationals will still need their bowls to be in date.